Universal of North America Application Information Universal of North America Application Information Name(s) of all owners:*Phone number:*Can we text you at this phone number?* Yes No EMAIL ADDRESSES FOR ALL SIGNERS: (The application must be signed by all applicants. We will send the forms to you to sign electronically. If you do not want to sign electronically please note how you would like the application sent to you.)*Property address:*Mailing address if different from property address:*Applicant Marital Status:*Date(s) of birth for all applicants:*Any unrelated cohabitant(s) living in the household?* Yes No If Yes, does the cohabitant(s) have an ownership interest?* Yes No Not applicable Any farming or other business conducted on premises (including day/child care)?* No Yes During the last five years, has any applicant been convicted of any degree of the crime of arson?* No Yes Seasonal or Secondary dwelling?* No, owner occupied primary residence No, rented primary residence Yes Number of months of consecutive UNoccupancy*Any rental exposure?* No Yes Does dwelling have a central station burglar and fire alarm? (IF YES, WE WILL NEED A CERTIFICATE FROM THE MONITORING COMPANY)* No Yes Secured community or professional management firm?* No Yes Overseen by reputable party within 50 miles of risk?* No, this is my primary residence No Yes Is there a swimming pool or hot tub on the premises?* No Yes Does the swimming pool have a diving board and/or slide?* No Yes No Pool Is the pool or hot tub full of water?* No Yes No Pool Is there a screened pool enclosure?* No Yes No Pool Is the pool completely fenced or walled with minimum 4ft height?* No Yes No Pool Is the fence or wall of permanent construction?* No Yes No Pool Does the fence, wall or screen enclosure have a self-locking gate/door?* No Yes No Pool Fraternity, Sorority, or any other similar housing arrangement?* No Yes Is the dwelling/building under construction or undergoing extensive renovation?* No Yes Are there any pets on premises? If yes, list type of pet including the breed if pet is a dog:*Any past history of a bite or attack for your pet?* No Yes No pet Is property currently occupied?* No Yes Will home be owner occupied within 30 days?* No Yes Yes, it is currently occupied If the home is not currently occupied, provide move-in date:*Is the dwelling a modular home, mobile home, trailer home, house trailer, pre-fab or travel trailer?* No Yes Is the structure constructed partially or entirely over water?* No Yes Is there a trampoline on premises?* No Yes Is the dwelling built on stilts or pilings?* No Yes Any flooding, brush, forest fire hazard, landslide, etc?* No Yes Is dwelling built on a landfill previously used for refuse?* No Yes Is there a daycare on premises?* No Yes If there is a home day care, has the insured provided a copy of the state or county license?* No Yes N/A If there is a home day care, has the insured provided a copy of the commercial liability policy with coverage equal to or greater than their personal limit?* No Yes N/A Has the insured ever been canceled or non-renewed for material misrepresentation or insurance fraud, or ever convicted of arson?* No Yes Is there any commercial or non-habitational use?* No Yes If a fuel oil tank is on premises, has other insurance been obtained for the tank? (Give First Party and limit, and Third Party and limit)*Are there any All Terrain Vehicles (ATV's) kept or used on the premises?* No Yes Is there a skateboard ramp or bicycle ramp on premises?* No Yes Is the property condemned due to condition, located in a condemned area or in an area scheduled to be condemned due to urban renewal or highway construction?* No Yes Is there any prior or current sinkhole activity on the premises whether or not it resulted in a loss to the dwelling, to the best of the applicant/insured's knowledge?* No Yes Any residence employees?* No Yes Any other residence owned, occupied, or rented?* No Yes Is property situated on more than 5 acres?* No Yes Any coverage declined, canceled, or non-renewed during the last 3 years?* No Yes Has applicant had a foreclosure, repossession or bankruptcy during the past 5 years?* No Yes Is property located within two miles of tidal water?* No Yes Does applicant own any recreational vehicles (snow mobiles, dune buggies, mini bikes, etc.)? List year, type, make, model.*Is house for sale?* No Yes Yes, I am currently buying the house Is property within 300 feet of a commercial or non-residential property?* No Yes Was the structure originally built for other than a private residence and then converted?* No Yes Any lead paint hazard?* No Yes Any existing damage/disrepair?* No Yes Is the insured requesting additional loss assessments coverage?* No Yes If yes, have any association losses occurred to which this coverage may apply?* No Yes N/A Was golf cart coverage requested?* No Yes Are there any aluminum framed screened enclosures or carports?* No Yes I have read and agree with the responses to all questions on this page.* Agree Disagree